How tausching works - 3 simple steps

Tausching is German for "to swap something". Here you can publish classified ads. Others users can bid on your ads. Other than on eg. ebay, these bids might be things or services that their owners want to swap for your ad.

How to create offers

Click Post an Ad
Put a descriptive title, indicate any relevant info such as color, size or model of what you want to put up for swapping. Here you can also tell if you are looking for a special item (or prefer to trade for money). Your ad will be up for 90 days on Tausching.

Get offers
As soon as your ad is online, other users can bid on it. For extra views share your ad on social media. You can manage your ad in your user account and we will notify you when you get bids. Hint: Every bid is also an ad, on which other users can bid on. So be remember if you get a good bid to close the deal fast otherwise it might be gone soon.

Once you have found a bidder that offers you a good deal contact them and negotiate all further steps. When you have closed the deal please mark your ad as "tausched" (in your user account/entries) or simply delete it.